Auckland, New Zealand

Lager in Auckland is $5.62 AUD

Average using prices from 21 user(s).

Popular brands


About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.

Brand Price
Unknown $4.6 AUD
Unknown $2.2 AUD
DB $2.19 AUD
Macs $2.92 AUD
Garaldine $3.45 AUD
Unknown $2.92 AUD
Unknown $5.11 AUD
Heineken $5.62 AUD
Macs $6.7 AUD
Any Beer $5.3 AUD
Heinekin $4.86 AUD
Monteiths $5.84 AUD
MACs $7.49 AUD
Stella Artois $8.76 AUD
Peroni $9.84 AUD
Peroni $9.84 AUD
Guinness $8.76 AUD
Heineken $6.57 AUD
Heineken $7.3 AUD
Most Draught Beer $9.14 AUD
Macs Gold $4.35 AUD


Added on 06-Jul-2018
Tactics Bar, Highland Park.

Added on 28-Nov-2016
All alcohol is very expensive in Auckland. (And I live here)

Added on 18-Dec-2015
Average price for a pint in a bar in Auckland and Wellington

Added on 24-Oct-2014
Locally brewed Guinness is a rip off

Added on 19-Jan-2014
NZ Beer is rarely served in a pint glass, so it's important to take this into consideration. An average 'glass' will be around $9, however if you can actually get a 'pint' you'll be looking at around $10 - $11 which is approx 5.25 - 5.50 pounds.

Added on 02-Aug-2013
Typical price for a beer in a pub in Auckland.

Added on 01-Jan-1970
The Right Track Sports Cafe in downtown Auckland is a great little bar as you can watch premiership matches as and when they are on.